Finally, I made it back to Texas to start my job at Medical Center of Lewisville Texas. I took a little time to visit Livingston when I went to vote and to see what envelope I live in at the mail center. Met the editor who arranges the articles I write for the magazine and toured the editing area. It was a nice little tour. The park area is still a mess from the hurricane. About my "new " RV.... I mentioned a few bugs I had to get worked can see one of the problems was the new model frig by Dometic. The freezer got to nearly 50 degrees and the refrigerator to 60. I lost all my food also! All is well now. It needed the new updated control board. This is the hospital I work in. My contract started September 20th and will end January 17. I will be heading to Quartzsite to see my WIN friends after that, if they still remember me that is.

Another Out With The Old and In With The New

Well, I made it to Coburg Oregon. Yep, I took the dive. After living in my Monaco for six and a half years I knew what I wanted in an RV. As long as I must keep working I plan on being comfortable. If I trade down it won't be for awhile. Unfortunately, Monaco does not make what I want in the 36 foot or shorter so I reluctantly chose a different maker. Now that the few bugs are worked out I love this coach. It is a 2006 Western Alpine and had 8000 miles on it. It is in prime condition and a dream to drive.

Heading to Alturas, California

After I left Boulder City, NV in August I headed toward Alturas, CA to put my mothers' ashes to rest. A task I so did not look forward to. Even so, it was a beautiful drive. While there I visited my cousin and reacquainted myself with the little town again. I spent some peaceful time sitting by my Uncle John, grandmother and grandfather and mothers gravesides. While there I stayed in a very quiet, very nice RV park in an out of the way place called Likely. If you are ever out that way, try it out. Just stop at the little store and ask for the location, you can't miss it. After a few days I headed north to Oregon to my original RV sales lot to get a little RV work done.