Rattlesnake Ranch near Gleeson, AZ


What an interesting place.  The yard is filled with old and antique things of history for yard, farming, and household articles on both sides and in a large maze-like square.  The place is way out in nowhere land between Tombstone and Gleeson. 

Check out some of these amazing things this couple has collected.  They have lived here for "nearly 20 years" and rattle snake hunt every year.  Read about John and Sandy in the brochure above.
In a little trailer you can see everything from belts to wallets, buttons to phone cases and knife sheaths, all made out of or covered in snake skins from a multitude of variety a of rattle snakes.

Can you believe these ribs (not vertebra) from the snake?

Woodpecker in Cochise Stronghold

Viv Grybko and a fellow staying at Willcox Elks, Warner Miller, and I drove to Cochise Stronghold and I caught these great shots of an Acorn Woodpecker on a tree about 5 feet from us. 

We drove from Willcox to Cochise Stronghold down to Tombstone via Middlemarch Rd. which was dirt and rocks and was lots of fun in the Jeep, on through Gleeson toward Elfrida where we discovered the "Rattlesnake Ranch".  I had been there a few years ago but had lost the photos on a CD crash.  See next post.
 The route we took is here on the map and looks a little like a shoe.

Our trip was 115 miles but was great fun.  Much of the drive was on dirt and rock roads, mostly well maintained.  The drive over Dragon Mountain peak was a one lane road with a shear cliff during part of the drive.

We drove through Kansas Settlement, and back into Willcox arriving at 4:30.  A great 6 1/2 hours day!